Thrive Guide

Debra Mazer


Hi! I am a Creativity Coach, Wellness Expert, Plant-Based and Spiritual Author, and Spiritual Guide. My book, Retreat Recipes for Yoga Lovers, features gluten-free plant-based vegetarian, vegan and raw food from around the world.
Hi! I am a Creativity Coach, Wellness Expert, Plant-Based and Spiritual Author, and Spiritual Guide. My book, Retreat Recipes for Yoga Lovers, features gluten-free plant-based vegetarian, vegan and raw food from around the world.
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What's your personal definition of what it means to thrive?

Thriving means to be completely yourself -- regardless of what society would have you do. Following your inner voice, expressing your creative gifts, balancing emotions, and feeling happy on a daily basis. Living a well-balanced life, prioritizing relationships, purpose, spirituality, health, fun, and play. And financially thriving.
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