Thrive Guide

Charlotte Skogsberg


With a background in Clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis before becoming a yoga teacher, I approach Self development from an ”East meets West” perspective. Learning who we are and why we are the person we are today is essential as we search Self Realisation with the yogic ...
With a background in Clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis before becoming a yoga teacher, I approach Self development from an ”East meets West” perspective. Learning who we are and why we are the person we are today is essential as we search Self Realisation with the yogic path
You are the sum of all your past experiences

Retreat Specialties

What are your favorite Retreat Venues around the world

Many venues in Bali but I cant give one specific

What's your personal definition of what it means to thrive?

To not let our limiting beliefs hold us back

Who do you look up to ? Who has helped you the most along your teacher / retreat leader journey?

Jeenal Metha, Damien de Bastier, my teachers in Hatha, Ashtanga and philosophy.
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