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Yoga Teacher Training - The Best Retreats and Venues WorldWide

Yoga Retreats
Sep 02
Yoga Teacher Training - The Best Retreats and Venues WorldWide

A basic introduction to yoga teacher training and various amazing programs that offer teacher traing around the world.

Are you a student of yoga who wishes to become a yoga teacher? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. Our yoga teacher training program will help you to become a full fledged yoga teacher so that you can impart accurate knowledge to your students. It’ll help you to teach the art of structure, thinking, sequencing, and alignment of body, mind and soul to your students.

Yog in Sanskrit means ‘union’. Yoga is all about the union of body, mind and spirit. There is a famous quote by Rumi that says “the soul is here for its own joy”. Yoga helps you to understand your very existence and aids to lead a balanced/ joyful life.

Yoga has taken the entire world by storm. There are studios and gyms teaching yoga at every nook and corner of the world. Just watching YouTube videos is not enough to learn yoga. You need to learn from a guru/ teacher and the right way to learn is through the teacher training program. Once you’re a certified teacher you can start your own studio to teach.


Yoga basics
Basically yoga comprises of asanas/ poses, pranayam/ breathing techniques and finally meditation. There are more than 8 million yoga poses (variations) that have been compartmentalized into 84 poses/ asanas of 100,000 variations in each. This is taught along with several intricate twists in each of them. Each asana has a meaning and why it is performed and how it can be beneficial to you; is all explained scientifically in the teacher training program.

There are many types of yoga. Bikram yoga, Iyengar yoga, Anusara, Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Vinayasa yoga to name a few. If you wish to become a teacher then you need to master all these yogas so that you can carve a niche for yourself as a yoga teacher.


Yoga teacher training programs
There are two types of programs that are available in the yoga teacher training program. They are 200 hours and 500 hours of intense training so that you’re well versed in all aspects of this amazing life-changing practice. Our program comprises of a holistic curriculum that’ll hone your skills and make you an accomplished yoga teacher. The 200 hours curriculum lasts for three to five months whereas the 500-hour curriculum lasts for more than six months up to one year. It’s your passion, commitment, and dedication that’ll help you to become a full-fledged yoga teacher.

As a yoga teacher, your aim is to achieve complete satisfaction by imparting knowledge to your students besides other benefits. The teacher training program will help you to understand the flow of manifestation, make you intelligent and intuitive and to gain precision and naturalness.
Yoga is based on the four aspects i.e. bhavas or attitudes of life. They’re dharma or duty/ discipline, gyana or knowledge, vairagya or detachment, and Aishwarya or self-realization. You learn about all these in Ashtanga yoga. Under each aspect, you’ve Yama, niyama, pranayam, pratyahar, dharna, dhyan and Samadhi.
Yama and niyama are about your duty and discipline that falls under dharma, asanas and pranayam falls under gyana or knowledge, pratyahar and dharna falls under vairagya and finally dhyan and Samadhi lead you to pure consciousness/ self realization.

The teacher training program not only enables you to understand all the above-mentioned aspects of yoga but will also enable you to lead a fulfilled and blissful life. Not only do you gain knowledge and wisdom you also identify good and bad, distinguish between what is right and wrong, and detach yourself from what is not good for you.


When should you start?
Do know about the basics before you join a teacher training program. If you’ve been practicing yoga for a minimum period of six months, then you can enroll into a 200-hour program. It’ll be difficult for a novice to join an intensive course.
After taking the intensive teacher training program you also grow as a person and realize that the world is indeed a beautiful place to live in.


Yoga Teacher Training Retreats and Venues by Location


Some of the best Yoga teacher training programs around the world by country.

Yoga teacher training Bali – Amazing locations in Bali, Indonesia

Yoga teacher training Thailand

Yoga teacher training India

Yoga teacher training Costa Rica

Yoga teacher training USA

Yoga teacher training Canada

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