Thrive Guide



I started to embark on the path of Yoga and Meditation at 18 years old. Yoga infused with Svadhyaya (self-study) expanded my consciousness, opened me up to seeing my limitless potential as a human and soul, propelled me into the path of healing my mind and body and ignited a sens...
I started to embark on the path of Yoga and Meditation at 18 years old. Yoga infused with Svadhyaya (self-study) expanded my consciousness, opened me up to seeing my limitless potential as a human and soul, propelled me into the path of healing my mind and body and ignited a sense of purpose within me. I accessed the energy of pure Source and since then absolutely had to share this with others! These Yogic practices of Svadhyaya ignited a flame within me and just 7 years later, at 25 years old, I now am truly living my best life! I am the owner of/tending to a beautiful healing space called Rising Lotus Healing Center in Homer Glen, IL. Some of my roles is to train and certify beloved Beings to embody the essence of Yoga within them (aka become a Yoga Teacher). I also offer community Yoga classes where I share a large variety of postures to use as a tool to enter the body, as well as meditation, breath-work and energy work - all for the purpose of self healing. One of my favorite offerings is RETREATS! I host retreats domestically and internationally. To me it's so important that these retreats are tucked away somewhere in Nature so we can take precious time to disconnect from technology and the hustle of life in order to re-connect with Mother Earth and our authentic selves. The practices I and co-hosts offer at retreats have everything to do with unity consciousness, broadening one's awareness, and connecting to creative Universal Intelligence. There's tons of unique offerings that bring about this benevolent energy. What truly lights me up is the satisfaction of all the beautiful people I work with. I thrive from them leaving our sessions feeling lighter, happier, pain-free and most importantly, EMPOWERED! In all my classes, trainings and retreats I aim to bring a genuine calmness and a deep sense of grounded presence with a positive outlook not only within oneself but with the surrounding world. I truly allow those who I have the privilege of guiding through mindful practices to connect to their most genuine self expression beyond the physical. With the grounding and uplifting energy I offer, my classes create an environment for others to be completely present at the moment and hold a deep sense of love and gratitude within.
"To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour" ~William Blake"

Retreat Specialties

Our retreats are truly transformative and deeply healing to the mind/body/spirit. We put our hearts and souls into our offerings and make sure to give everyone undivided attention. We make sure that we offer practices and healing sessions that address all aspects of healing - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We make sure our retreats aren't too big so we can maintain a sense of intimacy with the group. I believe what makes our retreats special is the space we create of retreaters to bond. We make sure to have multiple community circles where we can all engage and connect with one another in unique ways. We found this always creates healthy and expansive relationships to then have when returning home. You don't return the same from the retreats we offer. You return with a whole new level of self awareness so having a fellow retreater(s) to stay connected with is really beneficial. We also find a lot of value in connecting with Nature so we make it a point to pick a retreat center that is surrounded by Nature and is in a more raw and organic setting so we can connect to our roots. We found this to be deeply humbling for everyone.

What are your favorite Retreat Venues around the world

My favorite Retreat center is thus far is Tierra de Sueños Retreat & Wellness Center in Playa Chiquita, Costa Rica. I had the privilege of hosting a retreat in this sacred space. I especially loved Tierra de Sueños because it was tucked away in the jungle and was very private. It was spread out through the jungle with paths that would lead you to the outdoor Yoga room, each Bungalow that retreaters were staying at, the dining room, etc. The yoga room and dining room were outdoors surrouded by the beauty and sounds of the Caribbean Jungle! This setting offered the opportunity to reconnect with Nature - with ourselves! It made everything a lot more intimate and immersive. My favorite Center that I participated in for some Yoga courses was the Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali. I loved this space because it was like its own village. It was massive and also tucked away in nature. It had beautiful paths to go on a walking meditation. On the paths you'd find little nooks that were filled with pillows for you to relax, nap or meditate on. I also loved their dance floor. It was in a treehouse type structure where they offered ecstatic dance. I had some truly amazing experiences there and the setting definitely played a big roll in that.

What's your personal definition of what it means to thrive?

My personal definition of "Thrive" is to share your unique gifts and live your purpose. No amount of money will buy happiness but sharing what you love, what pours out of your heart and lights you up, does! When we do what we love we don't have to put effort in anymore. Instead we act from a space of inspiration and passion where effort is no longer needed. When we do what we love, we lose track of time and become present in the moment where we can live life to the fullest.

Who do you look up to ? Who has helped you the most along your teacher / retreat leader journey?

My mother, Estera, has helped me the most on my retreat leader/teacher journey. I look up to her for many reasons. Her level passion, drive, courage and strength is beyond words! She encourages me, motivates me and supports me in all ways. She takes care of the logistics of Rising Lotus Healing Center. This includes all the retreats. She keeps everything organized and structured. She gives me the space I need in order to do the work I do. I also look up my dear friend Kulani and one of my teachers Bex Tyrer. They are such loving beings that are passionate about their work and live heart centered in service of others. They speak their truth and do so unapologetically! Finally, I look up to my beloved partner Ryan, he is my number one fan and never failed to remind me of my light. He really keeps me going! I admire him for the ability and willingness to show up for me with so much love and support.

Divya Lisauskaite's Videos

This video is an invitation to practice yoga with me. It is a recording of my Breath & Body Flow class.
This video is an invitation to practice yoga with me. It is a recording of my Breath & Body Flow class.
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