At the age of 24 I experienced the first big turnaround in my life. A chronical illness immediately stopped my student life. And motivated me to start my travel towards love-based living.
I dived into the world of alternative medicines. Became an acupuncturist. After working a...
At the age of 24 I experienced the first big turnaround in my life. A chronical illness immediately stopped my student life. And motivated me to start my travel towards love-based living.
I dived into the world of alternative medicines. Became an acupuncturist. After working at my own practise for a while, I felt the wish to develop myself further. Soon after I found myself in front of managers and employees as a trainer/coach in the field of personal and professional leadership.
In 2012 this too came to an end. A strong intuitive feeling made me decide to sell all my belongings and go travel around the world. With one mission. To discover what and who would find its way to me by being 100% myself. I started the foundation The Best of U, to guide youngsters and teachers to more self confidence during my travel.
After two years of travel I landed on the island Ibiza. Where I stayed and started my own retreat center for (young) entrepreneurs and business leaders who wanted to integrate their highly sensitivity into their work.
One hundred retreats later this adventure also came to an end. After a short stop of 3 months in South America I returned to my home country, the Netherlands. Where I sat up my base. My life has always been filled with (sudden) changes. It asked me to find a solid foundation in myself. Which I found. Closer to home than I would have thought. In side of myself.
It makes me happy to see others lighten up. To guide them to their own inner guidance system. Their wisdom and love. It is why I founded the Love4Life Academy in 2022. A loving and safe place where young entrepreneurs (20-35 years) can connect with their true selves and each other to find the inspiration and energy to contribute to the new world.
I work intuitively and enjoy improvisation. My energetic system works as a catalyst. It helps to move energy that got stuck in you or your company. So you can connect with more of your own power.
Beside work I love to spend time in nature, in or at the ocean, enjoy the company of friends and my dear sister, and use singing and dancing to relax and release. I am always in for new adventures. Exploring new areas in and outside myself. Love to sit around a fire and listen to good music.
After working by myself for many years, I am happy to be surrounded by a team of beautiful souls at the Love4Life Academy. I have a dream to create a physical place for the Love4Life Academy in 2023. Where young entrepreneurs can meet. Themselves and others. To co-operate. To co-create.
When you wish to get to know me better or explore what my work can do for you, give me a free call here. It will be a pleasure to meet you.
With love,