My superpower is teaching the bodies in front of me. Helping individuals find their unique path to health and wellness. By leading them through a journey they will want to continue, because it feels amazing to awaken their body, mind, and soul. This is conscious, intelligent, hea...
My superpower is teaching the bodies in front of me. Helping individuals find their unique path to health and wellness. By leading them through a journey they will want to continue, because it feels amazing to awaken their body, mind, and soul. This is conscious, intelligent, health and fitness.
Health education and fitness are my life’s work. My personal health journey is filled with challenges, from autoimmune disease and living with a total colectomy, to a chronic gut-brain imbalance and musculoskeletal disease. Over 35 years of practice and trauma work, I have learned how to successfully manage and improve my own health challenges. My goal is to share this wisdom with others through teaching.
What lights me up is empowering others in their health journey. To bare witness to the “lightbulb moments," when they see results and realize they are in control of their own health journey. My favorite compliment from client's, “I still hear your voice cueing me and cheering me on, even after all these years!”