Thrive Guide

Jennifer Clarke


Helping individuals find their own inner authority by finding their inner stillness. This is what yoga has helped me do in recovering from exhaustion and illness.


I've been practicing yoga for over 25 years and teaching for over 15 years. I love to teach very specifi...
Helping individuals find their own inner authority by finding their inner stillness. This is what yoga has helped me do in recovering from exhaustion and illness.


I've been practicing yoga for over 25 years and teaching for over 15 years. I love to teach very specific material, narrowing in on a concept or an idea. And, I also see great value in a simple, humble quiet practice. In my teaching, I work to communicate that yoga is simply a tool rather than a goal. It is a sophisticated tool to support us in our growth.


For me a teaching a retreat is different than daily classes. It is a concentrated experience where we have the opportunity to observe patterns that keep us in bondage and that do not serve us. After a practice I often sit, observe, and ask what is new, different, what is an old pattern coming to the surface? For me, this line of questioning has strengthened my physical, emotional and spiritual intelligence and intuition.


I trained as a contemporary dancer and a yogi concurrently in 1995 and onward. Yoga was my technique. Since then I've consistently worked as a professional movement and dance artist for the past 20 years and taught and practiced yoga fulltime. I have studied Ashtanga Yoga and Iyengar Yoga extensively. I have also completed a Masters level program in Medical Qigong. My practise and teaching are informed by all of these modalities.


I live in Vancouver with my little boy, husband, cat and dog. I'm an animal person.
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