Inspiration, connection, expansion & love. I love to support my clients & students to connect to their Hearts consciousness & depth of who they truly are. It is here they will discover their inner truth, their inner light & the divine guidance that is within th...
Inspiration, connection, expansion & love. I love to support my clients & students to connect to their Hearts consciousness & depth of who they truly are. It is here they will discover their inner truth, their inner light & the divine guidance that is within their radiant Heart. The Heart will never guide us astray, but we need to connect, pause & be with our Hearts to fully hear their wisdom. I have been facilitating Healing work for 15 years & the depth of transformation within my clients is so inspiring! I teach healing Meditation & all of the Reiki Levels, of which is such an honour to see my clients expansion & talents come to life, no longer clouded by doubt or the past. The Bali Heart Activation Retreat is a blessing of all blessings, activating & awakening Hearts in the island that is so beautiful, loving & feminine! Our daytrips support our healing that we are doing, cleansing waterfalls, deep dives with snorkelling & fun all along the way. Teaching another way forward with your Heart as your guide. I love what I do & feel so incredibly honoured with the sacred light, healing & depth, that is the true transformation for each student to embody. Once the mind has been stretches by new experiences, it can never go back to its old. dimensions